We are never done improving and growing. There will always be another level that can be reached whether it be mentally, physically, financially, spiritually or any other area. There will always be more. It’s just that our awareness for that next level is sometimes lacking. We feel that we have made it. Or, we meet that mark and rest there for too long forgetting this very important thing which is to keep striving for more and greater. As long as I am living, I never want to be in that place of feeling like I am done or like I have reached my destination. Balancing this can be tough sometimes. Applauding and being proud of ourselves but at the same time noticing that there is always room for improvement and greater. I know.

As I am becoming, I want to continue towards being the best version of myself. Constantly assessing myself. We come in contact with things and people throughout life that push us and guide us. Recently, Erik shared a devotional with me titled, “Be a thermostat, not a thermometer”. I’ve heard devotionals similar to this one before but this time it really shifted my mindset. 

Ever walk in a room and you can feel the tension and chaos? Or maybe you felt a conversation going a different way and it made you uncomfortable? Me too. After reading the devotional, I began to reflect on where I had fallen short. I am challenging myself to be more intentional in this area. Here’s why. 

We all have been in seemingly uncontrollable, uncomfortable situations or environments. For me, my solution was often to simply remove myself. It was just much easier to not be around it and seemed like the best route. Or like a thermometer, I would just stay in that environment and adjust to the temperature. My attitude and feelings began to reflect the current temperature as a consequence. I based my actions on the temperature that was already set. Looking back on many situations, I had more control than I thought or realized. I should’ve been the thermostat... I SHOULD BE a thermostat when I am faced with unpleasing temperatures. 

Something as simple as walking in the room and speaking to everyone has the power to change an atmosphere because you are showing love. Or speaking when you see someone regardless of how you feel. It’s not just for myself and peace of mind but having this thermostat mindset can impact others in the same environment as well. One part that really stuck out from the devotional said, “you never know when someone who has been having a terrible day or is going through a very challenging season of life will be impacted by God’s peace” and I’ll add love. And it’s true. As you and I are changing the temperature, others will be impacted for the greater. 

Your words have power. Speaking life into your situations and environments can shift them. Even before we are faced with these undesirable environments, we are given the opportunity to command the temperature when we start our day. Listening to worship music and being intentional with our prayers. Maybe you have an event or meeting coming up, speak life into it now. Or maybe there are specific crowds of people or places that have a reputation of having a particular temperature... command that environment now. Speak the Word, peace, and love of God into those environments. Be the thermostat when necessary.